Beneficiary Designations
Not everyone wants to commit to making a gift in their wills or estates. Some prefer the increased flexibility that a beneficiary designation provides by using:
- IRAs, DAFs and retirement plans
- Life insurance policies
- Commercial annuities
It only takes three simple steps to make this type of gift. Here's how to name the YMCA of Walla Walla as a beneficiary:
- Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form.
- Decide what percentage (1 to 100) you would like the Y to receive and name us, along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form.
- Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution.
Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
You want to leave money to the YMCA of Walla Walla in your will. You also want the flexibility to change your will in the event that life circumstances change. You can do both. In as little as one sentence, you can complete your gift. This type of donation to the Y in your will or living trust helps ensure that we continue our mission for years to come.
An example of how it works
Meet Tom and Martha. When they got married and created a will, they included a $75,000 gift to the Y. As the family grew to include three children, Tom and Martha decided to revise their gift to ensure their children's future financial security.
They met with their attorney and revised the gift language so that the Y received a percentage of their estate, instead of a specific amount. Tom and Martha now rest easy knowing their plans will provide for the people and charitable work they love.

Start today
View and download your FREE copy of A Guide to Making Your Will.
Be Prepared for the future
Create a secure future for you and your loved ones with our FREE Personal Estate Planning Kit.
Next steps
Contact Karen Hedine at 509-526-8868 or for additional information on bequests or to chat more about the different options for including the Y in your will or estate plan.
Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
If you include the Y in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
Legal Name: The YMCA of Walla Walla
Legal Address: 340 South Park Street, Walla Walla, WA 99362
Federal Tax ID Number: 91-0580856
Bequest Language
Words for your will
We recommend the following language for making a gift to the YMCA of Walla Walla by will or revocable trust:
"I hereby give to the YMCA of Walla Walla, a Washington 501c3 not-for-profit corporation, with its principal place of business at 340 South Park Street, Walla Walla, WA 99362:
- The sum of $________________ [amount] AND/OR
- ________% [percent] of the residue of my estate AND/OR
- The following described property: ________________ [description]."
If your gift will be more than $20,000, you may wish to create a named endowment fund by including the following language: "The property comprising this gift may, for investment purposes, be merged with any of the YMCA's investment assets. However, the gift shall be entered in the YMCA's books and records as the ________________ [name] Fund, shall always be so designated, and shall be used for ________________ [stated purpose] of the YMCA of Walla Walla."
[Note: When choosing to designate your bequest to a specific program or interest, it's best to consult us to be certain your intent can be carried out.]
Confirmation of YMCA of Walla Walla’s Tax-Exempt Status
Confirmation of YMCA of Walla Walla’s tax-exempt status is provided in the form of a letter from the District Director, Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of the Treasury. To obtain a copy of this document you may contact the YMCA by calling 509-525-8868. The YMCA’s tax I.D. number is 91-0580856